Play games directly with your friends - get the old school hot seat feeling back!

Don't have a tablet?

You can purchase the Board Edition — with all content unlocked — on, by clicking the `Buy` button. Board Edition allows you to use your own computer as a board, with support for Windows, Mac and Linux!

Download Vega Party Game from the App Store or Google Play Store.

Connect to the same wifi and choose which device is the game board!

Choose between several easy, fast-paced games.

Play with or against up to 7 people, anywhere you want!

About us

Hi there!

We are so happy you found us! We are a small development team from Uppsala, Sweden, that have worked on this project, Vega Party Game, for five weeks. Vega Party Game is the result of the 2019 summer project at Precisit where the goal is to create a finished product during a short time frame. We had 5 weeks to come up with an idea, conceptualize around the idea, develop and deploy.

Our idea is simple: we want people to be able to play games with each other locally, but not being limited to where you have your console. When coming up with the idea we reminisced back to playing games from a couch next to your favourite people. We envision people socialising but wanting to play some games. There aren't any board games around and you are not in the mood for a quiz. With Vega Party Game, all you need are some mobile devices, the app and people to play with!